
Using ecologically momentary assessment methodologies to evaluate the real-life benefit of tech solutions. Design thinking for hearing innovation

With the release of the FDA draft regulations for over-the-counter hearing aids, how will this affect people with hearing loss and hearing healthcare professionals?

In this Soundbites webinar, Dr. Brent Edwards discusses whether we should recommend hearing devices to people with no-to-mild hearing loss, and how well can hearing devices benefit this population?

About Soundbites Webinars: Your chance to hear about the latest hearing research from NAL experts from the comfort of home! Join us for Soundbites, interactive

About Soundbites Webinars: Your chance to hear about the latest hearing research from NAL experts from the comfort of home! Join us for Soundbites –

NAL Soundbites webinars in partnership with Audiology Online Presented by Dr Paola Incerti, Senior Research Audiologist at NAL This course aims to provide participants with

About Soundbites Webinars: Your chance to hear about the latest hearing research from NAL experts from the comfort of home! Join us for Soundbites –

About Soundbites Webinars: Your chance to hear about the latest hearing research from NAL experts from the comfort of home! Join us for Soundbites –

About Soundbites Webinars: Your chance to hear about the latest hearing research from NAL experts from the comfort of home! Join us for Soundbites –

Aired live 2nd December 2022 What are the experiences of Aboriginal caregivers in supporting their children’s hearing health and language development? What are their experiences