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All projects

Explore NAL’s projects over the last three years and you’ll understand the rich diversity of the work we undertake alongside our partners and collaborators and the impact that our findings have on the sector, and the global population of people with hearing difficulties.

Explore our full research portfolio below

Establishing eligibility criteria for the provision of hearing aids in the Hearing Services Program

Using a variety of methods to develop a new way of deciding who is most likely to benefit from hearing aids.

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Longitudinal Outcomes of Children with Hearing Impairment (LOCHI)

Population-based longitudinal study that prospectively evaluates the development children with hearing loss

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Fields of expertise
NAL works across four main disciplines within hearing research including adult hearing loss, paediatric hearing loss, technology and human behaviour.
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Current research priorities
NAL’s strategic focus aims to address current challenges facing the hearing sector in Australia and around the world.
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NAL’s unique approach

For 70+ years, NAL has produced ground-breaking translational research fusing academic rigour with real-world understanding of hearing challenges.

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